This guide details the reports available to help you better understand your guests and members, track their attendance and analyze membership activity. By leveraging these reports, you can uncover trends, evaluate engagement and refine your business strategies.
Reports available include:
A detailed list of ticket redemptions (ticketed products only) filterable by product, channel, and date. -
Booking Zip Code Export
Detailed list of ZIP codes and redemptions per booking exported as CSV. -
Guest sentiment insights
Guest feedback trends, sentiment changes, strengths and areas for growth, and benchmark against the market. Learn more -
Membership Growth
Visualization of membership sales, churn and net growth over time. -
Membership Redemptions
Detailed log of membership redemptions by date. -
Membership Status Log
A detailed log of membership status changes by date is needed. -
A detailed list of all membership records.
Access guest and membership reports
- From Venue Manager, go to Reports > All reports.
- Scroll down to the Guests report section. Alternatively, search for one of the reports listed above.
- Select the report you want to run.
Attendance (ticket redemption) report
This report provides an overview of ticket redemptions processed at POS, showing the number of ticketed products redeemed by guests (checked-in) when attending the venue within a specific time frame.
Unlike the Analytics guest visitation metrics, which count one visit per guest, the Attendance report tracks individual ticket redemptions. For example, if a single guest redeems multiple tickets in one day (eg one for climbing and another for trampolines), this will count as two total redemptions and two unique redemptions because each ticket redeemed is counted separately, even if they are redeemed by the same guest.
Key metrics
- Total redemptions: Reflects all ticket redemptions, including multiple check-ins for the same standard pass ticket. The standard pass admissions ticket can be redeemed more than once.
- Unique redemptions: Excludes multiple redemptions of the same standard pass ticket, but still counts separate tickets for the same guest.
Important notes
Standard pass tickets
Can be redeemed multiple times and may appear multiple times in Total redemptions but only once in Unique redemptions. -
Expired tickets (no longer valid tickets)
Can still be redeemed at POS if staff override warnings (eg a late guest turns up). -
Membership-based redemptions
Tickets redeemed using a membership
If a guest uses their membership (eg "Gold membership") to book a ticket, and the ticket is later redeemed at POS, the report will count this as one redemption. For example, a "Day Pass - All Access" ticket purchased with a membership discount and redeemed at POS will appear as one redemption in the report. -
Membership products sold at POS
Membership products purchased at POS are counted as one redemption if auto check-in on purchase is enabled in POS device settings. This feature speeds up the check-in process for both guests and staff by automatically redeeming tickets upon purchase.If you prefer not to have membership purchases reflected as ticket redemptions in the report and you want to keep auto check-in on purchase enabled:
Filter out the membership product types from the Products filter by selecting ticketed products only (ie ignore the membership product types).
Make sure the undo check-in option is enabled in POS device settings.
After the membership product purchase, select the green checkmark for the ticket in POS.
Choose Undo to remove the redemption from the report.
The example below shows the same all-day standard pass admissions ticket being redeemed twice at POS on the same day (the guest left and re-entered the venue).
Learn more about tracking guest visitation in the Guest analytics dashboard in Analytics.
Booking Zip Code Export report
Generates a CSV file with ZIP codes, countries, and redemptions per booking. Use it to identify guest locations and tailor your marketing.
To display data, ensure country and ZIP/postcode capture is enabled for online checkouts and POS.
Refer to the guide Configure individual POS device settings to enable country or postcode capture at each POS device.
Membership Growth report
Compares memberships sold, churned, and net growth over a selected timeframe.
Important notes
- Guests must have purchased a membership product to show in this report.
- If you notice that some members that have purchased season or annual passes are missing, check that they have a membership product, not a standard pass product
- This report will only display data after 5 February 2020 when specific event tracking was added. Any sales or churn prior to this date will not appear.
Membership Redemptions report
The purpose of this report is to track the usage of membership discounts by guests to purchase eligible products.
This report helps you:
- Understand the extent of membership discount use to purchase eligible products.
- Analyze purchasing behavior tied to membership benefits.
It focuses on discount application frequency, not POS ticketed guest redemption or attendance data.
Important note
A membership redemption is counted when a membership discount is used to purchase items.
Membership Status Log report
This report lists the member status changes which can be filtered by previous and new membership status.
Use this report to track for a specific date range:
- The number of canceled memberships for a date range
- The number of memberships that have been suspended and reach out to individual members.
- Specific membership events such as when a membership was upgraded.