ROLLER offers an integration with EFSTA to stay in compliance with EU POS fiscal requirements.
The integration syncs your POS devices with EFSTA’s Electronic Fiscal Register (EFR). These POS devices then submit data for each completed transaction to the EFR. The EFR then receives and records the fiscal data. This data has to be printed on your POS receipts.
Integrate with EFSTA
To integrate with ROLLER’s EFSTA integration, follow the steps below.
- Reach out to your customer success manager, or the support team, and let them know you would like to connect to the EFSTA integration.
- Please provide the following information: Tax identification number. For venues in Sweden, the tax identification number must start with SE followed by the 10 digits of your organisationsnummer + 01.
For sole proprietors who have several businesses, the two numbers at the end can be 02, 03 and so on). Example: SE123451234501
ROLLER will then use these details to register your business within the EFSTA portal. Once this is done, you will need to sync your POS devices to the EFSTA integration. To do so, follow the steps below.
- From Venue Manager, go to Apps > Point of Sale > Devices.
- In the top-right of the page, select Sync with EFSTA.
Once this is complete, your POS devices will be synced to EFSTA’s Electronic Fiscal Register (EFR) and will start to submit transaction data to the EFR.
Register your cash register with the Swedish tax agency (Skatteverket)
Once you’ve synced your POS devices with EFSTA, the next step is to register your cash register with the Swedish tax agency (Skatteverket). Follow the steps below.
- Follow this link: and read the information under Step 5 — Registration.
- You can then follow this link to access a guide with detailed instructions on how to register your cash register.
- There’s a form you’ll need to complete and you can find the answers for the following sections below:
- Kontrollenhet (control unit): Central Control Unit
- Tillverkare (Manufacturer): Infrasec Sweden AB
- Modell (Model): HW: SW:
- Control unit tillverkningsnummer [Kontrollenhetens tillverkningsnummer]: You'll find this number on your printed receipts in the Fiscal receipt information section, once you've synced with EFSTA.
- Cash register tillverkningsnummer [Kassa]: You'll find this number on your printed receipts in the Fiscal receipt information section, once you've synced with EFSTA.
- Complete the rest of the form using the instructions and explanations provided in the user guide.
Receipts for venues in Sweden
If EFSTA signatures are unavailable
At POS, if a staff member attempts to print a receipt but the EFSTA signature is unavailable (this is rare but can sometimes happen), one of two scenarios may occur:
If a guest name and address is attached to the booking…
- The title on the receipt will change to Tax invoice (the word “receipt” will be removed).
- The guest’s name and address will be printed on the invoice.
If a guest name and address is not attached to the booking…
- The receipt will not print.
- A warning will show at POS asking the staff member to add the guest’s name and address to the booking before reprinting the receipt.
Once the guest’s name and address are added to the booking and the receipt is reprinted…
- The title on the receipt will change to Tax invoice (the word “receipt” will be removed).
- The guest name and address will be printed on the invoice.
Printing your till session
If you need to print your till session for the day so you have a record, follow the steps in the following guide Open, close and edit till sessions.