Encouraging guests to sign waivers before arrival helps you reduce entry queues and improve the experience. ROLLER prompts guests to sign waivers after online purchases, includes sign waiver links in confirmation and reminder emails, and allows quick waiver requests via text or email to follow up with booking holders from Venue Manager. Guests can also sign on-site using QR codes or kiosks.
This guide outlines how you can get waivers signed quickly and easily by guests. If you haven't yet created a waiver in Venue Manager, refer to the guide Create a waiver.
Add-on feature
Protect your venue against liability and improve the guest experience with digital waivers. To unlock the waiver add-on, contact your account manager or the support team.
Learn moreStreamlined waiver signing after online checkout
After payment for products requiring waivers in the online checkout, guests are prompted to complete their waivers as a natural next step in the process. This makes signing waivers quick and easy, increasing the likelihood that guests will sign waivers before arriving at your venue.
Then, after purchasing such a product, guests simply select Continue to sign waiver.
Guests will see a pre-filled waiver form. They only need to add their date of birth and details for any minors.
Once completed, they can select Share waiver with guests to send the booking's unique waiver link to guests, with native sharing options on mobile.
Sign waivers from order confirmation emails
After purchasing products online, the guest making the purchase (booking holder) automatically receives an order confirmation email. You can also choose to send this email from the booking in Venue Manager.
If any products purchased require waivers, a "sign your waiver" email panel is automatically included. The panel features a prominent design and clear instructions, including a call-to-action to sign a waiver for all participants, including minors. It also outlines that failure to sign before arrival may cause delays at entry.
What's more, guests can easily share the booking's unique waiver link with other participants. Waivers signed using this link are automatically connected to the booking in ROLLER.
Send waiver requests from Venue Manager by text/SMS or email
When guests call to book, after creating the booking in Venue Manager, you can quickly send an text/SMS or customizable email from the booking’s confirmation page for a prompt response. Simply select Send waiver request from the top of the page.
The text or email includes the booking's unique waiver link, making it easy to send and track waiver completions. This helps increase the number of waivers signed before arrival and speeds up entry queues.
Learn more about how to send a waiver request Text/SMS or email from Venue Manager.
Quickly share a waiver link from Venue Manager
From the guest booking in Venue Manager, you can easily copy the booking’s unique waiver link and send it to the booking holder via email, text message or social media—whatever method you prefer.
- From the booking, go to the Documents tab.
- Select Copy unique waiver link.
- Paste it into an email or your preferred communication method to send to the booking holder. You can use the email feature from the booking activity stream to do so.
- Once signed using the booking’s unique waiver link, the waiver is automatically linked to the booking. To view any signed waivers, from the booking in Venue Manager, go to the Documents tab.
Send a unique waiver link from POS
If a guest arrives for their booking without signing a waiver, staff can quickly send them a unique waiver link directly from POS.
- Open the guest booking, and select Send waiver request.
- Confirm the guest details are correct, then select either SMS waiver or Email waiver.
Configure automatic guest email reminders
You can configure two types of email reminders in a product's settings to help make sure more waivers are signed before an event.
Waiver reminder emails for party packages
Set up this email to remind the booking holder to sign waivers for themselves and any minors they're responsible for using a booking-specific waiver link. It includes an easy-to-share email link for booking holders to distribute to guests and a list of party or event guests who have signed, making it easy to follow up with those who haven't.
Enable this email to automatically send at a time you set before the event in the party package product settings.
Booking reminder emails (Pro plan and above)
When products requiring waivers, the booking reminder email will include a reminder for booking holders to sign their own waivers, including for any minors, and to share the waiver link with other accompanying guests.
Enable this email to automatically send at a time you set before the booking date in each product's settings.
Get the online waiver link
From Venue Manager, you can obtain a direct link to the waiver page to add to a "Sign your waiver" button on your website.
This means your guests can fill out a waiver whenever they want, even before they purchase a ticket. When the email the guest uses matches a booking holder's email, the waiver is automatically linked to the booking.
- From Venue Manager, go to Documents > Waivers > Waiver details.
- Select Get waivers link in the top right.
- Copy the Online waivers address.
- Link to this URL from a Sign waiver button on your website.
Scan QR codes
By using a QR code on a poster you can allow your guests to use their own personal phones to sign waivers at your venue to improve the guest arrival flow.
Learn more about using QR codes to sign waivers.
Use the waiver kiosk
You can set up waiver kiosks at your venue for guests to complete waivers, and once the guest submits, it's stored in ROLLER with the guest record. You can then easily find any signed waivers when guest redeem their tickets at POS, speeding up the time spent in the queue.
To get the waiver kiosk link for your waiver kiosk computer/device:
- From Venue Manager, go to Documents > Waivers > Waiver details.
- Select Get waivers link in the top right corner.
- Copy the link of the waiver kiosk address.
- Paste this URL into Google Chrome on the computer/device you're using as a waiver kiosk.
Refer to the guide Manage the waiver kiosk to learn more about setting up a waiver kiosk. Then follow the steps in the guide Set up and lock down a waiver kiosk
Use the self-serve kiosk
If you're using self-serve kiosks, guests are prompted to sign waivers for tickets as part of the purchase flow for standard pass or session pass tickets. This will help speed up time spent in the queue when redeeming tickets. Refer to the guide Create your Self-Serve Kiosk device.
Learn more
- To learn how to create a waiver, refer to the guide Create a waiver
- To find out how you can assign waivers when redeeming entry tickets at POS, refer to the guide Search for bookings and redeem tickets at POS.