The Till Reconciliation report shows a detailed list of POS till reconciliations for a selected date range. POS and Venue Manager only store till session records for 7 days. This report lets you review past till activity beyond that limit. It helps identify discrepancies, track POS till session takings over time and maintain accurate financial records.
Review till reconciliations
Use this report to track daily and past till session summaries per POS device. It helps ensure accurate reporting by showing:
- When tills were opened and closed
- Cash and card takings
Key considerations
- If a till session isn't closed on the same day as it was opened, you'll need to expand the date filter to include the day it was opened to find it. Till sessions appear on the day they were opened, not the day they were closed.
- To maintain accurate data, open and close tills within the same day. If left open, sales takings from multiple days will be combined.
Example: Investigating an inflated balance
You notice a POS device with an unusually high cash balance. The Till Reconciliation report shows that the session remained open for multiple days instead of closing daily, inflating the figures. By reviewing past till sessions, you can identify when the session began — helpful since, when managing till sessions from POS or Venue Manager, records are only stored for seven days.
Detailed data
Default columns available in the grid are:
- Device is the name of the POS device used for that till session.
- Till start is the start date and time of the till session.
- Till end is the end date and time of the till session.
- Cash Takings is the amount of cash that was taken during the till session.
- Cash Refunds is the amount of cash refunds that were issued during the till session.
- Cash Float is the amount of cash that was in the till at the beginning of the till session.
- Cash In is the amount of additional cash that was added in to the float during the till session.
- Cash Out is the amount of cash that was manually taken out of the float during the till session.
- Cash Counted is the total cash counted including float.
- Variance is the difference between the amount of expected cash and the amount of cash you have on hand after closing the till.
Right-click the table to add additional columns:
- Card Takings is the total amount of takings using the card tender type.
- Card Refunds is the total amount refunded to the card tender type.
- Gift Card Takings are the total amount of takings using the tender type of gift card.
Discounts are the total value of discounts applied, excluding staff discounts.
- Staff discounts is the value of the discounts that were processed that fall under staff discounts
This occurs if the till session is not closed daily. Till sessions start automatically when transactions are processed but must be closed manually per POS device.