This guide shows you how to add and adjust venue settings and contact information. It also shows you other important account setup tasks including configuring booking and email inquiry default settings, taxes, fees and adding any policy information.
Getting started
Watch the video for an overview of the key account settings. Read on for more detailed instructions.
Add venue settings
- From Venue Manager, go to Settings > Account > Venue settings.
- Select Unlock to make changes in the top right to make the fields editable.
- Add or adjust the venue settings. Read on for more information about each setting.
- When done updating settings, select Save.
Business details
Your business details include legal business name, business number (if applicable), website, public phone number and address.
This information is used in emails, invoices and the receipts the guest receives.
If you wish to display a different address to your main business address, use the Display address field to show the different address to your guests.
Venue contact information
Venue contacts are staff members with permission to manage your ROLLER subscription and receive important notifications.
For example, the billing contact receives all billing-related notifications, including invoices and subscription receipts from ROLLER. You can assign multiple staff as account, primary, billing or technical contacts.
While the venue contacts are listed in Venue settings, you don't assign them here. You assign venue contacts from the All staff page in Venue Manager (Settings > Staff > All staff). To learn more, refer to the guide Manage staff accounts and key venue contacts.
Venue contacts include the following:
Setting | Description |
Account owner | A single contact such as the business owner or director who approves ROLLER subscription upgrades and renewals or one-off purchases. They will receive all important account notifications. |
Primary contact | Any contacts that manage the venue and use ROLLER on a regular basis. They will receive important account notifications. |
Billing contact | Any contacts that manage the payment of your ROLLER subscription. They will receive all ROLLER billing and renewal notifications including invoices and subscription receipts. |
Technical contact | Any contacts that should be notified of important security related events, such as an alert sent to a venue's technical contact if a new administrator is added. |
Bookings and inquiries
From here you can set default settings for bookings and inquiries, including:
- Email addresses for online booking notifications and inquiries from guests
- Managing overbooking
- POS refund requirements
- Booking modifications
- Creating new bookings in Venue Manager
Configure the following default settings:
Setting | Description |
Booking notifications email |
Inquiries email is same as bookings |
Overbooking | When enabled, staff with the administrator and manager system role, or custom staff roles with the Can overbook capacity permission, can create a booking that exceeds the available resource capacity. |
POS PIN required for refunds | When enabled, refunds in POS require a POS PIN authorization by an administrator or manager system role or custom staff roles with the Can issue refunds permission. |
Booking modifications | Allows you to configure which past booking records staff can edit. By default, staff are restricted from editing any past items in a booking. To learn more about the options available, see Restrict booking modifications. |
Default settings for new bookings in Venue Manager
When creating bookings in Venue Manager you can choose whether the default setting is to reserve bookings or to hold bookings tentatively for a fixed time period. Whichever setting you choose, you can override it per booking. These settings do not affect bookings created in POS or online. Learn more about tentative bookings
Setting | Description |
Reserve bookings by default | Select this option if you want to reserve bookings by default, regardless of whether they've been paid for. Bookings are not placed on hold. They remain reserved unless manually canceled. |
Hold bookings tentatively by default | Select this option if you want to hold bookings until payment is made or a booking item is redeemed. If partial or full payment is not received before the set time, bookings are canceled, freeing up availability for other sales. From the drop-down, select the hold period in days, weeks or months. |
Prompt staff to choose whether to hold or reserve bookings every time | Select this option if you want to prompt staff to choose whether to hold bookings or reserve bookings every time they create a booking. While this option may be more flexible, it does add an extra step. |
Edit notification | Select to access activity center notification settings, where you can edit when you receive alerts for tentative booking cancelations in the activity center. |
Session time
From here, you can select the time format you want for displaying sessions in the online checkout. Select the Session time format drop-down menu to choose from the available options.
Reporting: cash or accrual method
Select your preferred method of reporting revenue in ROLLER reports. You can select the Accrual or Cash method for reporting.
For more information, see Cash versus accrual accounting.
Add taxes and fees
To access taxes and fees, from Venue Manager, go to Settings > Account > Taxes & fees.
When you create an account, ROLLER inputs a default tax rate based on your region. Most products use the venue's default tax rate, except for gift card, cashless card and wallet product types, which automatically apply a 0% tax.
You can adjust the default tax rate or add additional tax rates here, then apply them to individual products in the product setup.
You can also add fees, which will be applied to all online and POS transactions in ROLLER. This includes bookings and purchases via online checkouts, POS and bookings created in Venue Manager.
Your online payment gateway will charge you fees per transaction. It’s your choice whether you would like to absorb these fees to encourage guests to purchase online (keep in mind that guests who purchase online often spend more) or pass them back to your guests at the time of purchase online.
Learn more about adjusting taxes and fees
Add policy details
To access the policy setup page, from Venue Manager, go to Settings > Account > Policy.
Here, you must update the following:
- Add your venue’s terms & conditions, which guests must acknowledge before purchasing online.
- Link to your privacy policy.
- Adjust your marketing opt-in settings.