This article shows you how to set up Google Chrome on your supported Windows device for a waiver kiosk and lock it down using kiosk mode. This ensures guests cannot navigate away when signing digital waivers in venue. It also shows you how to automatically make the waiver kiosk open in Google Chrome on device start up.
Add-on feature
Protect your venue against liability and improve the guest experience with digital waivers. To unlock the waivers add-on, contact your account manager or the support team.
Learn moreWaiver kiosk requirements
- Download & install Google Chrome
- Make sure your tablet / PC device meets our minimum requirements
Set up Google Chrome for your waiver kiosk
- Open Google Chrome and navigate to the correct waiver kiosk url:
- Waiver kiosk URL:
- Waiver kiosk URL for Sky Zone franchises:
Log in using your ROLLER staff account. If the login is successful, you'll see a Click here to start button
- Bookmark the waiver kiosk URL
- Copy chrome://settings/passwords & paste into a new tab. Disable Offer to save passwords
Copy chrome://settings/payments & paste into a new tab. Disable Save and fill payment methods
- Copy chrome://settings/addresses & paste into a new tab. Disable Save and fill address
- Close down all tabs except for the tab open with your waiver kiosk URL
- Copy chrome://settings/onStartup & paste into a new tab. Select Open a specific page or set of pages
- Select Use current pages & double-check that the waiver kiosk URL is the only option that appears
- Close down all instances of your Chrome browser completely. It's important to make sure there are no browser windows or tabs open before moving on to the next step.
Lock down with kiosk mode
- From your waiver kiosk device desktop, right-click on the Google Chrome icon and select Rename
- Rename the icon to Waiver Kiosk
- Click here to download a ROLLER icon
- Right-click the Waiver Kiosk Google Chrome icon again and select Properties
- Select the Change Icon button. Then click Browse & find the ROLLER icon you just downloaded. Select OK.
- Right-click the Waiver Kiosk Google Chrome icon again and select Properties
- Click into the target text box and navigate to the end of the text. Add a space and then type:
--kiosk - Select Apply
- Select OK
Open the waiver kiosk in Google Chrome on Windows start-up
- Copy this text %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup & paste into Windows search
- Select the top result that is presented
- Keep this window open & navigate back to your kiosk device desktop
- Right-click the Waiver Kiosk Google Chrome icon & select Copy
- Navigate back to the open window, right-click & Paste
Test the waiver kiosk flow
- Open the waiver kiosk icon on your desktop and confirm that the Waiver Kiosk launches in full-screen mode and loads correctly
- Log in (if required) and proceed through the waiver kiosk experience