You can easily find booking agreements completed by guests in Venue Manager when a guest asks for a copy or if membership disputes arise.
You and your staff can review the terms of the booking agreement as a PDF, or resend a copy by email to guests.
Premium feature
Protect membership revenue and acquire new members faster with our new booking agreement solution. To unlock this feature with a Premium plan, contact your account manager or our support team.
Pricing pageTo find out how to create a booking agreement, refer to the guide Create a booking agreement.
How do I find a signed agreement in Venue Manager?
You can find a signed booking agreement in Venue Manager in three main ways.
Search for a member record under Guests
- From Venue Manager, go to Guests > Members.
- Search for or use the filters at the top of the page to find the member.
- Select the member to open a right-side panel with further details.
- Under Booking agreements, select the options menu
to the right of the agreement to view the agreement or email a copy to the guest as a PDF.
Search for a membership booking
Search on the Signed agreements page
- From Venue Manager, go to Documents > Booking agreements > Signed agreements.
- Use the search and filters at the top of the page to find the agreement. You can search by member name, booking holder name, email or booking ID.
- Select the options menu
to view or email the agreement to the guest as a PDF.