- How do I add products to a future booking in Venue Manager?
- How do I remove the products included in a booking?
- How can I add tickets to an existing booking?
To add products to an existing booking:
- From Venue Manager, select Search in the left-side menu to open the Search Records panel.
- Search for the booking ID or booking name.
- The booking opens at the Orders tab.
- Select the Availabilities tab in the right panel. The date defaults to the booking date.
- (Recommended) Use the product filter to narrow results, then select Search.
- Select the product, session time and add the desired amount of tickets.
- Select Add item/s to booking.
- Select Save & reserve. The items are added to the booking.
To remove a product from the order, select the trash can icon next to the item in the order. To increase or decrease the number of tickets for an existing item, select the arrow keys under Quantity. And remember to select Save & reserve for your updates to take effect.